
3 results for miscellaneous
  • Schafkopf Farbe im Karten Eichel (Kreuz, EN: Club) Gras (Pik, EN: Spade) Herz (EN: Heart) Schellen (Karo, EN:Diamond) die Reihenfolge das Ass die stärkste Karte ist, dann kommt die 10, der König, Dame/Ober, Bube/Unter, 9, 8 und die 7. Reference ()[]
    miscellaneous Created Mon, 01 Jan 2024 15:23:27 +0100
  • Setting up latexdiff for trackging changes with citations latexdiffcite is a python wrapper of latexdiff, which makes a track-change tex between given two tex documents taking changes in citations into account. Source Instalattion Since latexdiffcite is a simple wrapper of latexdiff, the prerequirement is of course latexdiff already installed. Upon that, the easiest way to install latexdiffcite is just using pip like: pip install latexdiffcite Usage If successfully installed, the one liner below immediately produces diff.
    miscellaneous Created Wed, 08 Nov 2023 20:48:24 +0100
  • 元祖 github-style からの変更履歴 アイコンを日替わりの identicon に設定 (6 March 2022) Publication への固定リンクをメニューに追加 (layout/partials/menu.html) (6 March 2022) ライトモード・ダークモードの切り替えトグルアイ
    miscellaneous Created Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:01:53 +0100