Takumi Matsunobu/Latexdiffcite

Created Wed, 08 Nov 2023 20:48:24 +0100 Modified Wed, 08 Nov 2023 21:17:01 +0100

Setting up latexdiff for trackging changes with citations

latexdiffcite is a python wrapper of latexdiff, which makes a track-change tex between given two tex documents taking changes in citations into account.





Since latexdiffcite is a simple wrapper of latexdiff, the prerequirement is of course latexdiff already installed. Upon that, the easiest way to install latexdiffcite is just using pip like:

pip install latexdiffcite


If successfully installed, the one liner below immediately produces diff.tex file in the current working directory. Don’t forget to place a corresponding .bib file in the cwd.

latexdiffcite file FILE_OLD.tex FILE_NEW.tex