
  • Schafkopf Farbe im Karten Eichel (Kreuz, EN: Club) Gras (Pik, EN: Spade) Herz (EN: Heart) Schellen (Karo, EN:Diamond) die Reihenfolge das Ass die stärkste Karte ist, dann kommt die 10, der König, Dame/Ober, Bube/Unter, 9, 8 und die 7. Reference ()[]
    miscellaneous Created Mon, 01 Jan 2024 15:23:27 +0100
  • Setting up latexdiff for trackging changes with citations latexdiffcite is a python wrapper of latexdiff, which makes a track-change tex between given two tex documents taking changes in citations into account. Source Instalattion Since latexdiffcite is a simple wrapper of latexdiff, the prerequirement is of course latexdiff already installed. Upon that, the easiest way to install latexdiffcite is just using pip like: pip install latexdiffcite Usage If successfully installed, the one liner below immediately produces diff.
    miscellaneous Created Wed, 08 Nov 2023 20:48:24 +0100
  • 1. はじめに xxxx x. Markdown CheetSheet Text Format Italic(斜体) Italic(斜体) Emphasis(強調) Emphasis(強調) Strikethrough(取
    Created Mon, 24 Oct 2022 22:48:40 +0200
  • 元祖 github-style からの変更履歴 アイコンを日替わりの identicon に設定 (6 March 2022) Publication への固定リンクをメニューに追加 (layout/partials/menu.html) (6 March 2022) ライトモード・ダークモードの切り替えトグルアイ
    miscellaneous Created Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:01:53 +0100
  • In preparation/Submitted Matsunobu, T., Keil, C. and Craig, C. G. (2024) Budget of Forecast Variability: Growth and Interaction of Uncertainties for Convective-Scale Forecasts. To be submitted. Peer-reviewed articles Matsunobu, T., Puh, M. and Keil, C. (2024) Flow- and scale-dependent spatial predictability of convective precipitation combining different model uncertainty representations, Quart. J. Roy. Meteo. Soc., 150(761), 2364‒2381. Matsunobu, T., Quinting, J. F., Grams, C. M., and Matsueda, M. (2023) Regional extreme precipitation events in wintertime Japan facilitated by East-Asian large-scale flow patterns, SOLA, 19, 253–260.
    Created Mon, 28 Feb 2022 13:38:14 +0100