Takumi Matsunobu/Publication

Created Mon, 28 Feb 2022 13:38:14 +0100 Modified Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:31:30 +0200
426 Words

In preparation/Submitted

  • Matsunobu, T., Keil, C. and Craig, C. G. (2024) Budget of Forecast Variability: Growth and Interaction of Uncertainties for Convective-Scale Forecasts. To be submitted.

Peer-reviewed articles

  • Matsunobu, T., Puh, M. and Keil, C. (2024) Flow- and scale-dependent spatial predictability of convective precipitation combining different model uncertainty representations, Quart. J. Roy. Meteo. Soc., 150(761), 2364‒2381. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.4713.

  • Matsunobu, T., Quinting, J. F., Grams, C. M., and Matsueda, M. (2023) Regional extreme precipitation events in wintertime Japan facilitated by East-Asian large-scale flow patterns, SOLA, 19, 253–260. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2023-033.

  • Matsunobu, T., Keil, C., and Barthlott, C. (2022) The impact of microphysical uncertainty conditional on initial and boundary condition uncertainty under varying synoptic control, Weather Clim. Dynam., 3(4), 1273–1289. https://doi.org/10.5194/wcd-3-1273-2022.

  • Barthlott, C., Zarboo, A., Matsunobu, T., and Keil, C. (2022) Impacts of combined microphysical and land-surface uncertainties on convective clouds and precipitation in different weather regimes. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22(16), 10841–10860. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-10841-2022.

  • Magnusson, L., Ackerley, D., Bouteloup, Y., Chen, J.-H., Doyle, J., Earnshaw, P., Kwon, Y. C., Köhler, M., Lang, S. T. K., Lim, Y.-J., Matsueda, M., Matsunobu, T., McTaggart-Cowan, R., Reinecke, A., Yamaguchi, M., and Zhou, L. (2022). Skill of Medium-Range Forecast Models Using the Same Initial Conditions. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103(9), E2050-E2068. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0234.1.

  • Barthlott, C., Zarboo, A., Matsunobu, T., and Keil, C. (2022) Importance of aerosols and shape of the cloud droplet size distribution for convective clouds and precipitation. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22(3), 2153–2172. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-2153-2022.

  • Saito, K., Matsunobu, T., and Oizumi, T. (2022) Effect of Upper-Air Moistening by Northward Ageostrophic Winds Associated with a Tropical Cyclone on the PRE Enhancement. SOLA, 18, 81-87. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2022-014.

  • Saito, K., and Matsunobu, T. (2020) Northward Ageostrophic Winds Associated with a Tropical Cyclone. Part 2: Moisture Transport and Its Impact on PRE, SOLA, 16, 198-205. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2020-034.

  • Matsunobu, T., and Tanaka, H. L. (2019) Time series analysis of normal mode energetics for Rossby wave breaking and saturation using a simple barotropic model. Atmo. Sci. Lett., 20(11), e940. https://doi.org/10.1002/ASL.940.

  • Matsunobu, T., and Matsueda, M. (2019) Assessing the Predictability of Heavy Rainfall Events in Japan in Early July 2018 on Medium-Range Timescales. SOLA, 15A, 19–24. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.15A-004.

Other publications

  • Matsunobu, T., and Matsueda, M. (2022) Medium-range forecast skill of various operational NWP models for the July 2018 severe rainfall event in Japan. In: Meteorological Research Note Vol. 246 (ed. H. Endo, H. Nakamura, Y. Tachibana), 107–116, Meteorological society of Japan (in Japanese).

  • Saito, K., Duc, L., Matsunobu, T., and Kurihana, T. (2022) Perturbations by the Ensemble Transform. In: Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and hydrologic Appplications (Vol. IV) (ed. S. K. Park, L. Xu), 115–141, Springer.